Monday, June 17, 2013

Person who has a strong will

 Now I am in  England with my family to attend the stone setting ceremony for my mom in low who passed away last summer.

 Since end of last year, I have been very busy to find a new house and to fix my current house for sale.

 Finally we found a house we like near my husband's working area.

 Now I can relax and it is nice to have a little time to reflect myself and write.

 I have heard the Japanese skier named Mr. Miura conquered Mt. Everest when he was 80.

 He is the oldest person ever who climbed.

 When he was 75, he injured his hip badly.
The doctor said that he might not be able to walk.

 However he did not care what the doctor said.

 He started to begin exercising and stretching a week after having and operation, in his room in the hospital.

 His room in the hospital turned to a little gym.

 I am so inspired to hear his story.

 His muscle is getting stronger than he was 65.
His brain is the same as the person who is 60.

 I think history would be changed by this kind of person who has a strong will.

 Progress in history originates with individuals who, even a midst the vortex of good and evil, make determined efforts to reject evil and promote goodness. ~~ Divine Principle

 I would like to be come the individual like this, even if it is in the small area in my life.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

religious freedom around the world

A distressing map of religious freedom around the world

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has issued a report highlighting those it calls the worst violators of religious freedom in the world. Among them are many Asian and Middle Eastern governments, although some Western European countries are also included.
The report from the bipartisan advisory body divides violators into three categories. Fifteen “tier 1″ nations, marked red on the above map, have committed “particularly severe” violations that are “systemic, ongoing and egregious.” That includes all the countries you’d expect, as well as a few worsening problem areas, such as Egypt and Nigeria. The “tier 2″ countries are said to be “on the threshold” of meeting tier 1 status and include states that might have serious problems but, often, are at least making an effort to address them. A small third category of nations under “monitoring” for violations includes, among other states, some in Western Europe.
The report isn’t just about documenting abuses: The tier 1 countries can be officially designated as “countries of particular concern” by the U.S. State Department, at which point the president is legally required to follow up with some sort of action, recommended by the report. It might suggest, for example, engaging with Burmese civil society groups to promote tolerance or working with Pakistani lawmakers to improve legislation.
As the report itself notes, though, “in practice, the flexibility provided in IRFA has been underutilized. Generally, no new Presidential actions pursuant to CPC designations have been levied, with the State Department instead relying on pre-existing sanctions.” In other words, the red countries are usually already under some kind of trade restriction or sanction, which the president can use to say that he’s already meeting the commission’s requirements. In some cases, the president uses a waiver to avoid punishing countries that are important to U.S. foreign policy, such as Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan.
The tier 1 countries are typically cited for state-sponsored or state-enforced religious discrimination, such as China’s suppression of Tibetan Buddhists or Iran’s “prolonged detention, torture, and executions based primarily or entirely upon the religion of the accuse.” In the case of some countries, such as Egypt, the sins were those of omission: “In many cases, the government failed or was slow to protect religious minorities from violence. This violence and the failure to convict those responsible continued to foster a climate of impunity.”
The report explains, in excruciating detail, the larger trends and worst incidents that motivated its categorizations. In Burma, for example, it finds,  “In the past year, over 1,000 Rohingya [Muslims] have been killed, their villages and religious structures destroyed, and women raped during attacks.” It also notes: “It is almost impossible for Muslims to obtain building permits for either mosques or schools and unlicensed venues are regularly closed or destroyed. The government has, in recent years, ordered the destructions of mosques, religious centers, and schools.”
Tier 2 countries are cited for less systemic but still serious violations, or for systemic refusals to improve religious freedoms. Russia, for example, is cited for exploiting “anti-extremism” laws to restrict groups, such as Jehovah’s Witness and some Muslim groups, that do not have any record of advocating or using violence. The report praises India for curtailing large-scale communal violence against religious minorities, but chides Indian officials for refusing to further investigate past incidents.
The third category of countries being “monitored” also lists, somewhat vaguely, “Western Europe.” The section explaining its inclusion, though, overwhelmingly focuses on three countries: France, Belgium and the Netherlands, all of which are cited for “increasing restrictions on, and efforts to restrict, various forms of religious expression.” In practice, this often seems to mean the religious expression of Muslims. Laws against traditional Muslim clothing or circumcision, for example, or over-broad hate speech laws are “creating a growing atmosphere of intimidation against certain forms of religious activity in Western Europe. These restrictions also seriously limit social integration and educational and employment opportunities for the individuals affected.”
The report also discusses a trend in Japan it calls “kidnapping and forced religious de-conversion.” Although Japan is not included in any of the watch-list categories, and this section praises the Japanese government in general for its religious freedom, the trend is about as alarming as its name implies:
Over the past several decades, thousands of individuals belonging to the Unification Church, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other new religious movements (NRMs) have been kidnapped by their families in an effort to force them to renounce their chosen beliefs. In some extreme cases, as with Unification Church member Toro Goto, individuals were confined against their will for a decade or more. Those abducted describe psychological harassment and physical abuse by both family members and “professional deprogrammers.” Police and judicial authorities have neither investigated nor indicted those responsible for these acts, often citing lack of evidence.
Some readers, particularly those from countries highlighted in the map above, may wonder why the report includes nothing on the United States, which has seen some local and state-level movements to expel or suppress mosques or other forms of public worship by Muslims. And it’s a fair question. Alas, the commission exists to make recommendations to the U.S. State Department, which of course does not have oversight over the United States. Still, fairly or not, U.S. representatives who seek to promote religious freedom abroad risk having their advice deflected because some Tennessee officials tried to block construction of a mosque. If nothing else, it’s a reminder that religious freedom is an ongoing process as well as a state of being.
Update: Irony of ironies, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom was itself accused of bias in 2010. As the Washington Post’s Michelle Boorstein reported at the time:
Some past commissioners, staff and former staff of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom say the agency charged with advising the president and Congress is rife, behind-the-scenes, with ideology and tribalism, with commissioners focusing on pet projects that are often based on their own religious background. In particular, they say an anti-Muslim bias runs through the commission’s work– a charge denied by its chairman, Leonard Leo.
“I don’t know of any other organization who defends as many Muslims in the world as we do,” said Leo, who was appointed to the commission by President George W. Bush in 2007.
Nevertheless, the commission was hit this fall with an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint filed by a former policy analyst, Safiya Ghori-Ahmad, who alleges that her contract was canceled because of her Muslim faith and her affiliation with a Muslim advocacy group.
Boorstein’s story also notes, “From the start, critics say, the commission has disproportionately focused its efforts on the persecution of Christians, while too often ignoring other religious communities and downplaying their claims of persecution.”

Saturday, April 27, 2013

I will create happy, positive.,and grateful world around myself.

Someone says that if you could change, the world will change.

I will create happy,  positive., grateful, world around myself.

So I try to not say negative words and try to be grateful for everything.
Even if bad things would happen to me, I should be grateful.for it.
I should think that it could be worse.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My husband said,,,

My husband said " it's a happy Sunday too ! "
He went to back yard to pick up the flowers.

And he took the picture as the proof.

I would say " man is cute!"

Saturday, April 20, 2013

It's a Happy Saturday !!.

 I have been a hard worker Monday through Friday.
My Lord's dog (she thinks that she is his girl friend) and I have been welcoming him back with a warm , grateful heart and a big smile and

I try so hard to serve him with delicious warm dinner every evening.

I treat my husband as a king of kings.

But on Saturday morning,  he turns to my butler.
It is really magical.

He serves breakfast to me in bed.

To do this, he have to go shopping to buy fresh croissants, and makes fresh coffee from beans to serve his queen, sometime with flowers.

I say it is a happy Saturday.

On Sunday I determined again that I will become better maid and better girl friend for my husband.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Fair Treatment at Japanese University

Unificationist Pledges to Keep Fighting for Fair Treatment at Japanese University

Luke Higuchi and translated by Sari Inaba
Published: 04/01/13

Abduction and forced confinement are not the only problems Unificationists face in Japan. Incoming university students sometimes face persecution or discrimination from bigoted faculty and administration employees. Many university authorities across Japan have made “cult counter-measure” presentations to show at student orientations for incoming freshmen. Posters titled “Beware of Cults” have a list of “dangerous cults” with the Unification Church included at the top of the list.
Hanayo Ito, a 24-year-old college student and CARP President of Chiba University, filed for arbitration on March 19, 2013 against the university for cases of religious persecution against second-generation Unificationist students.
Second-generation Unificationists who apply for admission to a university have high hopes and dreams when they enter their desired college.  However, because the image of the Unification Church is negative, many second generations hesitate to reveal their religious identities throughout their college life. They also have a difficult time searching for jobs due to their beliefs. University professors have threatened the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principle (CARP) students by saying they will not receive credits for their classes, have their grades dropped or will not find employment. There are even university authorities who introduce cult experts to students in order to persuade them to break their Unificationists faith. The cult experts often support faith breakings by abduction, confinements and forced conversions.
Unificationist Hanayo Ito, a 24-year-old college student and CARP president at Chiba University, has been one of the brave second-generation Japanese sisters who has stood up to religious prosecution. During the summer of 2012, she visited New York and Maryland, to inform fellow church members and to seek help on the issue from fellow second- generation members. (An article about her was posted on the Family Federation website)
She had filed for court-assisted arbitration with Chiba University on March 19, 2013.
The following is a result of the arbitration hearing request Hanayo Ito sent to the court house against the Chiba University through a lawyer, posted on her Facebook wall:
“You may already know me from our university, and some of you may be surprised to read this post. I was born into the Unification Church as a second-generation; and I am currently the CARP president at Chiba University where I am a student. Because I was born into this religion, I am still questioning whether the faith I believe in is ‘right’ and wonder how I should live my life.
“It is going to be a long post, but I would like to write my honest feelings and truth. I have recently filed arbitration at the court.
“Chiba University has regarded new religions, including the Unification Church, as dangerous without knowing the actual religious situations. This kind of criticism has been going on and has been affecting the CARP members who have been working diligently to contribute to society. Individuals have been bullied, called out and have been receiving disturbances and threatened with disruptions of their academic courses. Many of us have endured these treatments and have kept silent for too long. You may know more detailed contents, because we have been taking public actions to gain recognition and understanding from Chiba University. However, it is a very complicated issue to handle with only the power of students. Therefore, we decided to ask a third-party lawyer to help us file this arbitration.
“The effort at arbitration failed; Chiba University was not willing to discuss anything with their students.
“Who and what are universities for? I am dreaming of becoming a university professor in the future. I believe universities are for people to explore and to gain higher understanding in academics, and to support the students’ motivation and enthusiasms -- not to protect the fame of the universities and their professors. I did not ask for arbitration to protect my own faith, but instead to ask for guaranteed protection of the freedom of religion. I thought it would be the best for Japan.
“I do not know if what I have been doing is right or wrong. If I am wrong, I will have to look back and change the way I live my life. I may even be able to start off a new life. However, if the actions I have taken were the correct thing to do, I will try my best to pursue justice.
“I would like to give hope to those people who are struggling with the same problem by showing there is a student who is trying to make a change to this reality.”
Ito asks for the understanding and support for her efforts from the American Unificationist members and other people of faith. The fight against religious persecution will continue until the day Japanese Unificationists can confidently witness on university campuses and pursue goals according to their religious beliefs.
Share your thoughts
Official Web site of The Unification Church

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Faith-Breaking Victim Takes Stand in Japanese Civil Court

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Faith-Breaking Victim Takes Stand in Japanese Civil Court

Luke Higuchi
Published: 03/11/13

The following is a letter from Luke Higuchi, president of Survivors Against Forced Exit (SAFE), regarding the opening of testimony in Civil Court by Mr. Toru Goto, a faith-breaking survivor held against his will by enemies of the Unification Church (UC) in Japan.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Our Japanese brother, Toru Goto, who was kidnapped and held against his will by his family and deprogrammers for more than 12 years, is asking for America's prayers. He took the stand for his court case on March 11th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Japanese time (March 10th 8:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST), and he needs your spiritual support. His criminal case was thrown out by Japanese prosecutors, and he is now coming to the end of a two-year civil trial. If Mr. Goto can win his court case, this will be a big blow to the still-active Japanese deprogramming community and possibly stop the kidnappings that continue with impunity.
Background Information: 
Mr. Goto (31) in 1996 visited his home and was kidnapped by his family. He was confined in three separate apartments over a period of 12 years and 5 months. A professional faith-breaker frequently visited the third apartment together with his family and ex-members, during which Mr. Goto was severely harassed. Each time he tried to approach the entrance, his family responded with brutal violence, leaving his face and hands bloodied. After giving up on escaping by using force, he decided to go on hunger strikes: 21 days, 21 days and 30 days.
Finally, in February 2008, they threw him out of the apartment. By that time, he had been virtually reduced to skin and bones and had great difficulty walking. He had been kidnapped and confined when he was 31. He was now already 44 years old. He managed to reach the Unification Church headquarters in Tokyo and was rushed to a hospital where he stayed until March 31, 2008.
In May 2008, he filed papers with the Ogikubo district police accusing those who had forcefully confined him. In February 2009, the police sent the case to the prosecutors’ office. Unfortunately, on December 9, 2009, prosecutors refused to indict the defendants.
The Court Case
The defense argues that there was no kidnapping and confinement and that Mr Goto stayed in that tiny room for 12 years of his own volition.
Mr. Goto's team found in a Unification Church (UC) headquarters storage room, a hand-written manual explaining how to kidnap and deprogram UC members, written in the handwriting of one of the defendants, Minister Yasutomo Matsunaga. There is also a video tape of Minister Matsunaga that goes over the steps already covered in the manual. It includes fine points about how to break the spirit of a UC member. But Mr Goto's team does not have as much evidence against Mr. Takashi Miyamura, the second deprogrammer.
The timeline for the court case in 2013 is as follows:
  1. March 11th: Mr. Toru Goto takes the stand.
  2. April 8th: Ms. Kiyomi Miyama, who witnessed his captive condition, will take the stand.
  3. May 14th: The elder brother of Mr. Goto, who assisted in the kidnapping of Mr. Goto, will take the stand.
  4. June 3rd: Sister-in-law of Mr. Goto, who assisted in Mr Goto's confinement, and one of two deprogrammers, Minister Matsunaga will take the stand.
  5. June 17th: Mr. Takashi Miyamura, Mr Goto's second professional deprogrammer, will take the stand.
The judge will make a decision after these witnesses take the stand.
Ms. Kiyomi Miyama
The following is a report from Ms. Kiyomi Miyama about Mr. Goto’s trial on March 11th: “Overall, Mr. Toru Goto did a very good job. For the first two hours, he shared his testimony and explained what he had endured at the hands of the deprogrammers. Later that day, in the afternoon, Mr. Goto’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Miyamura and Minister Matsunaga took the stand against him as defendants. Their main questions were, ‘Why didn’t you escape? Why didn’t you just break the window? Why didn’t you try to force your way out when there were only women in the room or when people came to fix the plumbing and air conditioners?’ Mr. Goto bravely provided a detailed explanation to each question. He also mentioned that his captors began providing him less meals as punishment. They accused him of lying, but he maintained a strong attitude and continued to provide answers that were indisputable. The main lawyer on the opposing side, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, had been very aggressive during the beginning of the hearing, but he began to tone down and started the questions, ‘How did you fundraise and what kinds of witnessing activities did you do in your church?’ These questions had nothing to do with Mr. Goto’s kidnapping; they were trying to switch the focus of topic at hand. But Mr. Goto answered the questions very clearly and slowly. The entire court case was dominated by his pace. He later said that he felt spiritually encouraged, and he thanks all for their prayers and support.”
The following is a statement from Human Rights Without Frontiers directed to the Japanese Government:
“The failure to protect citizens from such crimes is a grave violation of their constitutionally guaranteed rights and their international human rights based on Japan’s legal obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Moreover, as 80 percent of victims are women, Japan is also in violation of its obligations under the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women signed and ratified by Japan.”
What Can We Do?
First and foremost, please pray for Mr Goto's trial.
Support SAFE’s activities by helping us contact U.S. congressman to invite them to visit Japan. When U.S. Congressman tell Japan that they are violating international human rights law, Japan will respond.
We need more noise about these violations on college campuses and in grass-roots organizations.
Please contact me to learn more about how to help.
Luke Higuchi
President of SAFE

Monday, March 4, 2013

Spend wisely ... the power of choice

All of us are looking for happiness.
However many people are going toward unhappiness, especially young people.

I guess it is because they are inpatient to reach the eternal happiness. 
They are satisfied to get the instant and temporary happiness instead of a variable things.  
This is the wrong choice.

Young people may enjoy drug , cigar, alcohol and free sex, and  further more they think that  they are doing good.
But they should know that they are just escaping  temporally from their difficulty and reality.
That is not the solution at all.

When we overcome a difficulty, we can grow and become a mature person.

I should say that drug and smoking and too much alcohol are bad for health,  especially free sex is the same as practicing a divorce.

If everyone know we will got to  spiritual world after die, we never seek a temporally happiness.
We will seek eternal happiness. We can bring only the eternal love to Heaven.

My grand mom used to say when I was a little girl.
If you did bad things, you will go to hell.
It is true.

Young people have a precious future.
I hope they use wisely the power of choice.


Spend wisely ... the power of choice
Rather than to hate, please choose to love.
Rather than to cry, please choose to laugh.
Rather than to destroy, please choose to create.
Rather than give up, please choose to patience.
Rather than to the gossip of man, chose to praise.
Rather than hurt, please choose to heal.
Rather than to steal, please choose to give.
Rather than to linger, please choose to act.Rather than to corrupt, please choose to grow.
Rather than to curse, please choose to pray.Rather than to die, please choose to live

from Og Mandino

The Greatest Miracle in the World: Og Mandino: 9780553279726 ...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day !

 It will become 31 years this summer since we married.
Rev Moon matched us in the New Yorker Hotel.
We did the marriage ceremony in Madison Square Garden.
It was a such a exciting time for everyone.

 But a man and a woman are so difference.
Especially my husband's ancestor is a monkey,( because he lost a connection with God,)
and my ancestor is God.

 I am from the moon (idealistic), he is from the earth(realistic).

 We walked together through the mountains, Valleys, and a long tunnel.
But we never give up challenging to love each other. (well ,at least myself.)

 One day, I think it is about 5 years ago, I realized.
I should change myself to match him.
I used to feel happy when my husband did what I wanted.
Now I feel happy when I make him happy.

This is the thought which is ' Live For sake of Others'.
Even if we knew it  in the minds, it is hard to practice it.

And then what have happened?

I can receive more love  which is not expected from him.

In this morning, he gave me a ring to say 'Happy Valentine's Day"

I think my heart grew a lot through my husband.

I feel much closer to him after Holy wine ceremony.
I report to Heavenly Parents  "Thank you" from the bottom of my heart.
Happy and grateful tears fell down from my cheeks.

Happy Valentine's Day !

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino

Good sex and Bad sex

  Rev. Moon matched us 30 years ago.
I remember that it happened just like yesterday. 

When I met my husband, I couldn't speak English very well.
 I had never spoken English with Western person until meeting with my husband. 

 We communicated each other through writing down to a paper (napkins in the restaurant)

 But we committed each other to marry

 We attended the marriage ceremony in the Madison square garden at 1982.
At that time we pledged to make an ideal family under God for World Peace.

 We are still together, because we committed to be  together in front of God.
Unfortunately some people divorced, but it is a few numbers compare with outside of  the church. 

 I would like to say that a commitment is so important and it should be public.
Let's everyone know our commitment.

 Our mind should lead and subjugate our body.

But free sex is opposite.
Body is  leading and controls Mind.
 They do not commit each other and keep changing their partner.
 It is wrong.

When we make a goal, we will make an effort to reach a goal with subjugating our body.

We can not make an ideal family through free sex.
How can we trust each other as a husband and wife?

We can make an ideal family , ideal world through absolute sex which means keeping pure until marriage, and using it only with spouse.

1 Corinthians 6:16-20

The Message (MSG)
16-20 There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.” Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the kind of sex that can never “become one.” There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for “becoming one” with another. Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.