Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day !

 It will become 31 years this summer since we married.
Rev Moon matched us in the New Yorker Hotel.
We did the marriage ceremony in Madison Square Garden.
It was a such a exciting time for everyone.

 But a man and a woman are so difference.
Especially my husband's ancestor is a monkey,( because he lost a connection with God,)
and my ancestor is God.

 I am from the moon (idealistic), he is from the earth(realistic).

 We walked together through the mountains, Valleys, and a long tunnel.
But we never give up challenging to love each other. (well ,at least myself.)

 One day, I think it is about 5 years ago, I realized.
I should change myself to match him.
I used to feel happy when my husband did what I wanted.
Now I feel happy when I make him happy.

This is the thought which is ' Live For sake of Others'.
Even if we knew it  in the minds, it is hard to practice it.

And then what have happened?

I can receive more love  which is not expected from him.

In this morning, he gave me a ring to say 'Happy Valentine's Day"

I think my heart grew a lot through my husband.

I feel much closer to him after Holy wine ceremony.
I report to Heavenly Parents  "Thank you" from the bottom of my heart.
Happy and grateful tears fell down from my cheeks.

Happy Valentine's Day !