Friday, January 18, 2013

The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino

Good sex and Bad sex

  Rev. Moon matched us 30 years ago.
I remember that it happened just like yesterday. 

When I met my husband, I couldn't speak English very well.
 I had never spoken English with Western person until meeting with my husband. 

 We communicated each other through writing down to a paper (napkins in the restaurant)

 But we committed each other to marry

 We attended the marriage ceremony in the Madison square garden at 1982.
At that time we pledged to make an ideal family under God for World Peace.

 We are still together, because we committed to be  together in front of God.
Unfortunately some people divorced, but it is a few numbers compare with outside of  the church. 

 I would like to say that a commitment is so important and it should be public.
Let's everyone know our commitment.

 Our mind should lead and subjugate our body.

But free sex is opposite.
Body is  leading and controls Mind.
 They do not commit each other and keep changing their partner.
 It is wrong.

When we make a goal, we will make an effort to reach a goal with subjugating our body.

We can not make an ideal family through free sex.
How can we trust each other as a husband and wife?

We can make an ideal family , ideal world through absolute sex which means keeping pure until marriage, and using it only with spouse.

1 Corinthians 6:16-20

The Message (MSG)
16-20 There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.” Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the kind of sex that can never “become one.” There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for “becoming one” with another. Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.