Monday, August 1, 2011

Norway terrorist incident

I guess that 9:11 made Christians feel like Islamic people always do things of this nature.

What do you think about the Norway terrorist incident?

Every religion says don't murder, Keep pure until marriage, and respect your elders and parents.

And they teach that if we do bad things, we will suffer in the spiritual world forever.
So if they are real religious people, how can they do this?

The terrorists have been using religions for their own purpose. And that is to destroy.

They think that if they cannot fulfill their desire, it is because society is bad or because the nation is bad.
This action is to pass the buck or shift the responsibility.

Complaining creates anger, and anger creates resentment and hate becomes killing in action.

It is important to take responsibility for small things, like picking up the trash in the road, and so on, to make a better world.
What do you think?

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